2025 COVID Policy Overview
Attendees must provide proof of vaccination, proof of previous infection/immunity, or discuss their situation with the conference team. We can accommodate a very limited number of carefully masked unvaccinated people (less than 5% of con attendees) who test negative for COVID before the conference and agree to continuously wear a KN-95 or better mask. If you are able, please get the 2024-2025 booster shot. We strongly encourage people to take a self test before con. Masks will be required in all conference spaces for all attendees except when eating/drinking. Time unmasked when hydrating or snacking should be minimized IE an open bottle of water in hand is not an excuse to keep your mask off for 15 minutes.
Before You Arrive
- Make sure you have your proof of vaccination.
- Stock up on masks (N-95 or KN-95 if possible), hand sanitizer, and maybe a rapid test or two. We will have some high quality N-95 masks available for purchase at the reg desk if you’re looking to upgrade.
- We strongly recommend doing a COVID antigen test before the event.
- If you are feeling ill, PLEASE do not come to the event.
- Get on the EEEHU Discord server and get 18+ verified to get the most up to the minute updates!
Vaccination Requirements
We require all attendees to be “fully vaccinated” AND boosted unless they have a medical contraindication to vaccination. (This will not change for 2023.)
Acceptable proof of vaccination includes:
- Government issued vaccine cards
- Printed records from your state’s official vaccination database
- A letter from your doctor’s office on official letterhead stating that you have been vaccinated
- Vaccine verification app such as Excelsior Pass
- Pharmacy records of your vaccination
You will be asked to indicate whether you are vaccinated upon ticket purchase, and your vaccination credentials will be checked when you pick up your badge. Failure to produce proof of vaccination will lead to inability to attend the event.
Medical contraindications to vaccination will be reviewed by an internal medicine physician.
Unvaccinated attendees who meet the above criteria will be limited to less than 5% with spaces allocated first come, first served. Unvaccinated people are encouraged to initiate review of their case prior to ticket purchase.
CDC Vaccination Contraindications
Masking Requirements
Masks (ideally KN-95 or N-95) are required to be worn over the nose and mouth at all times by all conference attendees and staff in all public conference spaces unless signage indicates otherwise. Spaces where there might be unmasked people will have signage on the door.
Presenters ARE NOT required wear masks while presenting.
If you are having an “open door party,” people are expected to be masked. We cannot control what you do in your room with the door closed, but we encourage you to be careful.
At The Event – What you can expect from us and what we expect from you
We take safety seriously and will do everything in our control to make the safest event possible. We will:
- Have hand sanitizer readily available
- Have high quality masks available for purchase at the registration desk
- Wipe down high contact surfaces in our event spaces frequently
- Not let anyone into the event without a mask
- Point out when masks are not being worn correctly
- Ask people to leave the event who are not respecting our rules
- Have signage at the door of areas where people might not be wearing masks (IE a place where food is happening, or the dungeon)
- Communicate clearly if there is a positive case
We expect you to:
- Not attend the event if you feel sick or have tested positive for COVID in the 10 days before the event, or if you test positive during the event
- Respect the rules and signage
- Wear your mask properly at all times
- Fill out the NEEHU COVID self report form if you test positive at the event
Thank you!
Many thanks to MagFest for allowing us to use elements of your COVID policy.