1.  I am experiencing financial difficulty, can you help me get to NEEHU?

Maybe!  We offer $50 volunteer memberships and if you work a lot, we will make sleeping arrangements for you too.  We also have the community enrichment scholarship, which awards travel funding, registration fee, and sleeping arrangements for a few lucky community members.  We also work very hard to help people find carpool partners and roommates.  We work closely with local hypnosis groups to fulfill the needs of their members.

2. I’m new to hypnosis, is this con for me?

YES!  We always have classes geared towards beginners.  You will get a good foundation in hypnosis for recreational use after our 101 track.  There will also be ample opportunities to practice, and folks who absolutely love mentoring newbies.

3. I’m under 21, is there any way I can attend?

For sure! We have changed venues and now are an 18+ convention!

4. What should I wear at NEEHU?

NEEHU has no formal dress code, but people are encouraged to dress up for the Friday night event.  During the day, comfortable clothing is advised.  During the play party, nudity is allowed only in the specifically marked areas, and you will be walking through a public hotel lobby to get there, so bring a nice coverup to keep it vanilla until you get to your destination!   This is entirely optional.  The event organizer has worn everything from an evening gown, a tuxedo, a chainmail bikini, to simply T-shirt and pants.  The hotel has a pool which we will be using, especially if you are staying Thursday or Sunday night.  Please avoid wearing strong perfumes/colognes, as there will be many people at the venue.

5. How do I get a ticket at the door?

Send Mephki (mephki [at] nehg [dot] info) an e-mail as soon as you know that you will be getting a ticket at the door; the venue does not like surprise attendees.  You may pay with cheque, money order, or cash.  You will be required to provide ID (confidential) and sign our liability waiver.

6.  What food is provided?

We will have individually wrapped snacks available in our hospitality room, but will not be serving full meals as we have done previously. We hope to have at least one food truck available at every meal so that we have an easy fast option for dining. We discourage you from eating out at restaurants to reduce your risk of exposure to that damn virus, and we will be facilitating takeout orders. Meal breaks will be 2 hours long to allow for dining.

7. Will there be food that I can eat?

We try to have a variety of snacks that accommodate folks who are gluten sensitive or who need protein. There will always be a fruit bowl and granola bars available.

8. Will there be a blanket fort at NEEHU?

If there isn’t, it is COVID’s fault. We want a blanket fort as much as you do. :(

9. What do the name badges look like?

They change every year now that we have a badge printer and different themes every year. For NEEHU 9, we had either silver/black or black/white badges with a modern science/technology theme. For NEEHU 10 we had black/copper badges with an old timey theme. We use lots of ribbons to adorn the badges!

10. So what about those badge ribbons?

We love badge ribbons at NEEHU! We make an order from Marco Promos every year (if you want to get in on the order and take advantage of our slightly improved pricing, send Mephki a message in early February.)

NEEHU 2 badge without name

11. What is your COVID policy?

Great question, check our COVID policy document! We are continually revising our policy based on the current situation and best practices. We are working with Operation Hammond to make our event as safe as humanly possible. We will also be working on tools to help you assess your risk thresholds and figure out if attending in person is right for you.

If you’re looking for approximate risk of an event of a given size, check out this risk assessment tool for social gatherings.

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