

So, what is an unconference, and where does NEEHU fit in?

Do you want to present?

We want you to present too! This applies especially to people who are newer to presenting and folx from underrepresented groups.  If you really want to present and have doubts of any kind, please talk to us and we will help you!

Note: all presenters will be vetted before being accepted onto the presenter list. If you are unknown to the *EHU community, we will chat with you to help you become familiar with our expectations for presenters.

Being a presenter comes with perks and responsibilities! You are expected to follow our Presenter Code of Conduct (it’s in the presenter application.)

We have a new simpler system for allocating benefits:

4 credits = free admission, presenter gift, free pizza on pizza day
2 credits = 1/2 price admission, presenter gift, free pizza on pizza day
1 credit = free admission on Thursday, presenter gift, free pizza on pizza day
Credit values:
  • Presenting a class (up to 2 presenters) = 2 credits
  • Planning and hosting a meetup = 2 credits 
  • Demo bottoming, co-presenting (more than 2 presenters) or participating in a panel = 1 credit
  • 2 hours of office hours or mentored trance practice mentoring = 2 volunteer raffle tickets
  • 4 hours of volunteering = 1 credit
1. Come up with an idea for a class that you would love to present or an activity you would like to make happen.

We encourage creativity and collaboration, exploring things that you’ve been wondering about or developing in your personal play. We expect all presenters to model good safety practice and enthusiastic consent from their subjects. If you need help developing your idea, feel free to reach out for advice. If you’re looking for co-presenters or panel members, our presenter room on Discord is the best way to go!

We are looking not only for classes, but activities like group trances, ice-breakers, games, group play facilitation like speed trance or fractionation station…

2. Write it up!

We now have a convenient submission form for your class submission pleasure!  Check our Discord server for submission info!

3. Get accepted to present!

We will let you know as soon as possible after you submit your classes regarding your status as a presenter at the con. If you submitted your presentation before the early reg deadline, and for some unlikely reason we can’t use your presentation, we will give you a code for the early reg rate.

4. Get Scheduled!

We like it when you ask for the timing that works best for you, and we try our best to give you the slots you want! (We like it even more when you’re OK with all of the blocks!) There will be time for contributors to review the schedule and ensure that any quantum singularities have been resolved.

5. Get Connected! Join the EEEHU DiSCORD and get your presenter tag so you can see the Presenters’ room!

If you are not known to the hypnosis community, you will likely be asked to provide references and participate in an e-mail exchange before being approved as a presenter.


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