
Do you want to help out at NEEHU?
Click here to sign up to volunteer at NEEHU 16!

We are looking for volunteers both online and in person, and we have a wide variety of jobs for you to do!

Volunteer jobs include:

  • Door Dragon
  • Classroom Monitor
  • Setup/cleanup
  • Dungeon Monitor
  • Registration
  • Consent team
  • Social event host
Please wait to buy tickets if you want your discounted/free registration. We will provide you with discount codes to make up for any deadlines you might have missed. We do not offer refunds on tickets purchased! We will get you the hotel booking info so you can register! (If you want to financially support the event by paying for your registration, you will get a “benefactor” ribbon for your contribution.)
We have a new simpler system for allocating benefits:
1 credit = 4 hours of volunteering
1 hour of volunteering at the event = 1 volunteer raffle ticket
What you earn:
4 credits = free admission including Thursday, free pizza dinner, small gift from the conference
2 credits = 1/2 price admission including Thursday, free pizza dinner, small gift from the conference
1 credit = free Thursday admission, free pizza dinner, small gift from the conference
You can also mix and match with presenting to increase your credit total!
Presenting a class (up to 2 presenters) = 2 credits
Planning and hosting a meetup = 2 credits
Demo bottoming, co-presenting (more than 2 presenters) or participating in a panel = 1 credit
Participating in a mentoring/office hours session as a mentor = 2 volunteer raffle tickets

We have a Volunteer Bill of Rights!

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